Galanter discusses modernism and postmodernism in the context of complexity theory from science. He sees post-modernism as offering a corrective to some of the unfortunate aspects of modernism, but now post-modernism has fallen has fallen victim to its own problems. Galanter's Complexism is intended to reconcile the two via the theory and practice of complex systems, and he presents the following table:
Modernism | Postmodernism | Complexism |
Progress | Circulation | Emergence and Co-evolution |
Fixed | Random | Chaotic |
The Author | The Text | The Generative Process |
Authority | Contention | Feedback |
Truth | No Truth | Incomplete truth known to be not fully provable |
Pro Formalism | Anti Formalism | Form as public process not privilege |
Hierarchy | Collapse | Connectionist networks |
There is a lot to be unpacked here. Galanter expands on the table in the 20 pages of the article, which is online at He has also started a blog in which he intends to further develop these ideas, at
I am certainly pleased to see work like this proceeding beyond the now sterile debate of modernism versus postmodernism, and especially work that deals seriously with some of the extraordinary advances in scientific thinking of the last half-century or more.